our services


We will be running food prep workshops where you can create quick, cost- effective and nutritious recipes.  You will learn the best foods to help the body function to its best and provide you and your family with a different, fun and more efficient way of looking at food.


What we mean by modalities is the experience that you receive through mind integration workshops that we offer. For instance mediation, breath and  energy (Adinkra) shift work and many more

Why Love ALM!

ALM wants you to feel taken CARE of and that you will instantly feel the COMPASSION through what we do.  We will help you to find the BALANCE that is often missing in your lives and we will explore new ways to help you achieve this.

Our team is very DEDICATED to what we do, come and have a chat, get to know us and you will have the support you need to thrive

Care and Compassion

Balanced Life

Dedicated Support